Free live cooking demonstrations of Aussie Meat Pie at various locations and dates

aussie beef and lamb pies

Australia Day falls on 26 January and in celebration of this, Aussie Beef & Lamb is organising live cooking demonstrations and recipes featuring the Aussie Meat Pie.

Australian Meat Pie has risen to popularity as it features Australian beef and lamb, the pride of the Australian red meat industry that is now a world-leading supply chain dedicated to providing the world with sustainable nutrient-packed beef and lamb after over two centuries of experience in doing so.

Live cooking demonstrations

Today in Singapore, you’ll be able to find top-quality Australian red meat in a variety of cuts from several retailers and butchers across the island. These include select NTUC FairPrice’s Delicato counters, select Cold Storage outlets, Ryan’s Butchery, Little Farms and Foodie Market Place, among others.

In order to showcase how Beef and Lamb can effortlessly be used in pie and tart recipes, these retailers will also be hosting live cooking demonstrations from 26 January to 28 February 2023.

Details on venues and live cooking demo timings are as follows:

  • 29 Jan (Sun), 11am – 2pm, Little Farms, Tanglin Mall
  • 11 Feb (Sat), 11am – 2pm, CS Fresh Gold, Tanglin Mall
  • 11 Feb (Sat), 11am – 2pm, CS Fresh Gold, Paragon
  • 12 Feb (Sun), 11am – 2pm, CS Fresh, Great World
  • 12 Feb (Sun), 11am – 2pm, Cold Storage Jelita
  • 18 Feb (Sat) 11am – 2pm, Foodies Market, Outram
  • 19 Feb (Sun), 11am – 2pm, Ryan’s Butchery, Great World
  • 25 Feb (Sat), 10am – 1pm, NTUC FairPrice Finest, Causeway Point
  • 26 Feb (Sun), 2pm – 5pm, NTUC  FairPrice Xtra, Nex

Pie and tart recipes

In the meantime, you can also check out pie and tart recipes that spotlight Australian red meat by some of the region’s most innovative young chefs