How to Clean Different Types of Couches

While regular household cleaning seems like an obvious necessity to maintain a tidy home, many people still overlook certain areas and items when cleaning, an example of which is the couch. It’s important that you include your couch in your general cleaning because it can accumulate a large number of impurities that can wreak havoc on the cleanliness of your space. Here’s how you can clean your couch, regardless of its material!

sofa cleaning services
Photo from Freepik

How to Clean Fabric Couch

Step 1: Prepare the Couch

Before you start cleaning your couch, it’s always important to use a vacuum cleaner with either a soft brush or an upholstery attachment. This will ensure that you remove all the loose dirt and debris, which will make the cleaning process much easier.

Step 2: Create a Cleaning Solution

While you’re more than welcome to use a commercial cleaning product specifically made for fabric couches, you can also make your own at home. Just combine a teaspoon of dish soap, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and a cup of warm water into an empty spray bottle and give it a good shake. If you want to give your couch a much stronger cleaning, then feel free to add a tablespoon of baking soda to the mix.

Step 3: Start Cleaning

Dampen a clean cloth with your homemade cleaner and carefully wipe down the entire couch, making sure that you spray a bit more of the cleaner on your cloth as needed. If you’re faced with any stains, simply target your cleaning efforts at the affected area. Make sure that your cloth is never overly saturated with the cleaner, as you really don’t want to use too much moisture than necessary.

Step 4: Let the Couch Dry

When you’ve finished wiping down your entire couch, leave it to dry before using it again. It’s important that you don’t overlook this step, as this might encourage mold and mildew to grow on the fabric.

How to Clean Leather Couch

Step 1: Prepare the Couch

To remove any surface dirt or debris, you can either use a vacuum cleaner with the right attachment or simply wipe it down with a dry microfiber cloth. Take this opportunity to wipe away any fresh stains or spills as well.

Step 2: Create a Cleaning Solution

In a small bucket or bowl, combine equal parts white vinegar and water to create an easy and homemade leather cleaner.

Step 3: Start Cleaning

With another clean and dry microfibre cloth, dampen this into your cleaning solution and use it to wipe down the entire couch. Make sure that you rinse it out every now and then and that you squeeze out as much of the excess liquid as possible.

Step 4: Let the Couch Dry

When you’ve finished wiping the entire leather couch, use another clean microfibre cloth to wipe everything once again and soak up any remnants of moisture from the cleaner.

How to Clean Suede Couch

Step 1: Prepare the Couch

Regardless of whether your couch is made of natural or synthetic suede, it’s still important to start the cleaning process by vacuuming the couch and removing all the dirt that may have settled on the surface.

Step 2: Create a Cleaning Solution

This will vary depending on the type of suede your couch is made of:

  • Natural Suede: In a bowl, create a cleaning solution by combining 70% white vinegar with 30% water for a diluted white vinegar solution.
  • Microfibre Suede: Fill up an empty spray bottle with water before adding a few drops of mild dish soap or detergent. Give the bottle a shake to mix everything together.

Step 3: Start Cleaning

With your cleaning solution ready, use it to dampen a soft microfibre cloth, making sure that it isn’t soaking wet. Then, dab the cloth onto your suede couch, focusing on any spills or messes, if necessary, by starting from the outer edges of the stain and working your way inward. When doing this, use minimal force and scrub the couch very gently. For any stubborn stains, you may have to repeat this process a few times.

Step 4: Let the Couch Dry

When you’re done cleaning your couch, leave it to air dry completely before fluffing up the material with either a suede brush or a soft cloth.

Additional Cleaning Tips

Here are some more tips to help you keep your couch looking its best:

  • Regular Cleaning: The best way to care for your couch is by vacuuming it at least once a week. This will prevent any impurities from settling and absorbing into the material of your couch, which could accelerate the breakdown of your couch and leave it looking dull and worn out.
  • Address Stains Immediately: As soon as something spills onto your couch, make sure that you take immediate action and blot up as much as you can with a clean cloth. Aside from preventing the liquid from absorbing any deeper into your couch, this will also make the cleaning process easier later on.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: It doesn’t matter what material your couch is made from because prolonged sun exposure can bring a wide range of issues regardless, including fading, discoloration, cracking, and dryness. Be strategic about where you place your couch.
  • Use Additional Protection Measures: If you’re dedicated to the cleanliness of your couch, you can choose to invest in some high-quality covers that can keep everyday dirt and dust away from your couch. You can also buy protective sprays that add an extra layer of protection against spills and stains.

A couch can add a touch of warmth and uniqueness to your room, and the great thing is that you can choose from a wide range of materials to find one that fits your preferences. However, all couch materials need proper care and maintenance to stand the test of time and still look and feel their best. In case you’re in a pinch and can’t handle the sofa cleaning by yourself, Luce offers sofa cleaning services that can take care of everything for you!

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