12 interesting date ideas that don’t require a reservation and will be super memorable

A special celebration is approaching: you didn’t manage to make a reservation at that restaurant you fancied because it’s too popular, and your significant other doesn’t want to make do with just a stroll in the park and dinner at your usual haunt. You’re now at a complete loss as to what activities you can plan at the last minute without going through the hassle of reservations again.

Fortunately, a good date doesn’t necessarily have to be complicated or require the expertise of a professional event planner. Here are 12 interesting date ideas that may have slipped your mind:


1. Visit farms

Source: HYPE & STUFF

One of our fondest childhood memories is visiting a farm on learning journeys in primary school, or with our parents during the weekends. But why wait until you have a kid to revisit these good memories?

It’s time to take a breather from never-ending work and enjoy the rustic, charming farm life that you always imagined you would lead together with your loved one. You can even buy and eat some of the produce from these farms – definitely one of the freshest meals you can have!

Some farms you can consider visiting include Jurong Frog Farm, Bollywood Veggies, Hay Dairies, and Farmart Centre.

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2. Island-hopping

Source: The Smart Local

If you thought that island-hopping is only something you can do in neighbouring countries like Indonesia, think again. Singapore also boasts a number of beautiful, unadulterated islands that you should definitely explore with your significant other.

Besides the usual Pulau Ubin and Coney Island, some other islands in Singapore you can consider heading to include Lazarus Island, Kusu Island, and Sisters’ Island. These usually only require a ferry ticket that you can buy on the spot and/or some walking, so pack your picnic mats and tell your date that you are bringing him or her on an adventure!

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3. Short day trip to JB

Source: The Smart Local

Let’s admit it: heading to Johor Bahru is Singaporeans’ new favourite pastime. It’s an overseas trip that’s just a few minutes’ drive from Singapore that you can take any time, provided you don’t get caught in the long jams and queues. However, even though we are accustomed to taking a holiday in our neighbouring country, we sometimes just can’t afford to spend more than one day, or even one full day there.

An alternative to consider is taking a shorter day trip to JB, where you head off early and return to Singapore earlier as well to avoid the peak hours. It doesn’t mean you miss out on a lot of the fun and cool things to do in JB either, because a lot of Singaporeans’ favourite haunts are actually located near the customs.

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4. Volunteer together

Source: United Way Suncoast

Couples that volunteer together, stay together. This is actually backed by science: reaching out to help others causes us to release a hormone called oxytocin, and this feel-good hormone dubbed the “cuddle hormone” causes us to feel a closer bond to others – including the ones you volunteer with!

It is also a good way for you to discover your shared values and learn a bit more about each other, while making double the impact on your community. That’s definitely a win-win situation!

Check out Giving.sg for a list of latest volunteer opportunities at various charities in Singapore.

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5. Pedal boating

Source: AsiaOne

Still can’t master cycling or simply don’t have the stamina for a cycling trail in Pulau Ubin? That’s okay, you can take things easy with a pedal boating session at the Kallang Basin.

The best part is that you don’t need any special licenses or certificates in order to enjoy this water sport. On the day itself, just head to Water Sports Centre, make a booking on the spot, and sign an indemnity form. All that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and pedal at a leisurely pace to take in the beautiful views.

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6. Go hiking

Source: Stocksy

Hiking shouldn’t be limited to only something you do overseas, right? There is a common misconception that Singapore is nothing more than an urban city, and our nature is only limited to the neighbourhood parks. Our island home actually offers many picturesque, breathtaking natural spots for you to explore, and it’s always a little easier (& sweeter!) to conquer tough trials with someone you love.

Check out a list of 22 Insta-worthy trails (no, not just MacRitchie and Bukit Timah) we’ve curated for you.


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1. Play board & card games at a café

Source: The Smart Local

Tired of playing UNO and Monopoly all the time because those are the only games you have at home? You can enjoy a greater variety of games while enjoying a delicious meal at a board game café. These cafés are stocked with the most popular and most exotic board & card games you can think of, so you can always change a game to play after you grow bored of one.

If certain games require more than two players, you can either ask other friends along, or even invite other people in the café to join your game. That way, you not only enjoy the company of your date, but also get the chance to make more friends and expand your social circles.

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2. Battle at the arcade

Source: Mom It Forward

For an exhilarating time that doesn’t necessarily cost a fortune (cough carnival games), you should definitely head to the arcade in your neighbourhood mall.

Don’t dismiss them as just dingy places that teenagers, aunties, and uncles frequent though – the arcades these days have gotten a upgrade, and have evolved into an entertainment venue that is popular with both families and couples. You can try your luck at a giant claw machine (with giant prizes, of course), or pit your F1 skills against your partner on a classic racing course. There are so many types of exciting games to choose from, both of you will definitely end up having too much fun!

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3. Visit a museum

Source: The Heritage Lab

One way to see if you can click well and hold conversation with someone is to visit a museum with him or her. You get to share about what you know, and also listen to the fascinating insights and different opinions that your partner may offer. It’s a quick, but effective way to bond with someone who understands and appreciates the same topics as you do.

You definitely have no lack of choices in Singapore when it comes to finding a museum or exhibition that will interest both of you. Most of them also give free entry to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, making this a great way to spend an afternoon without burning a hole in your wallet.

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4. Build your own pancakes

Source: HungryGoWhere

Brunch is always a good way to start the day right, but it’s even more enjoyable when you get to make it on your own. We know that the hassle that comes with making brunch at home can turn anyone off, so we recommend making your own pancakes at places such as Slappy Cakes.

You get to choose from a variety of batter and toppings to create your ideal pancakes, and in any shape that you desire. Take the opportunity to confess your love or do a marriage proposal with by writing a message on your pancakes – we’re sure your date will find it hard to say no!

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5. Indoor batting

Source: utaunhp.info

Indoor batting is a popular activity in Korea, and K-drama fans will definitely have caught their favourite idols batting indoors in a least one drama or two. Fortunately, you don’t have to specially fly to Seoul just to do this, because Singapore also has its own batting cages.

It’s a good form of exercise, and a great way for the both of you to whack the stresses of daily life away. You can also challenge your partner to see who can hit more balls – loser treats dinner!

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6. Have a cook-off

Source: Freepik

This date idea is definitely for the Masterchef fans in your life, or those who just have a very competitive streak in them. Having just one person cook can be rather boring, so why not have both of you cook at the same time? It is also a fun way to learn about what your date’s food preferences while picking up a cooking tip or two from him or her, and vice versa.

Bonus: get your parents and friends over to be judge your cooking and pick a winner for the cook-off!

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